Terraform Cheat Cheet

Terraform Cheat Cheet

Terraform is a popular infrastructure as code (IaC) tool used for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure efficiently. Here's a cheat sheet

Initializing Terraform

  • Initialize a Terraform working directory:

      terraform init

    This command initializes a working directory containing Terraform configuration files.

Building Infrastructure

  • Create or update infrastructure:

      terraform apply

    This command creates or updates the infrastructure according to the configuration files.

Inspecting State

  • Show the current state:

      terraform show

    Displays the current state of the infrastructure.

  • Output the current state in a more human-readable format:

      terraform output

    Shows the values of outputs from the current state.

Planning Changes

  • Preview changes before applying:

      terraform plan

    This command shows the changes that will be made to the infrastructure.

Destroying Infrastructure

  • Destroy the infrastructure:

      terraform destroy

    Destroys the Terraform-managed infrastructure.

Managing Workspaces

  • List available workspaces:

      terraform workspace list

    Lists all available workspaces.

  • Create a new workspace:

      terraform workspace new <workspace_name>

    Creates a new workspace.

  • Switch to a different workspace:

      terraform workspace select <workspace_name>

    Switches to the specified workspace.


  • Validate the configuration files:

      terraform validate

    Checks the syntax and configuration of Terraform files.

  • Output the execution plan as JSON:

      terraform show -json

    Displays the execution plan in JSON format.

    Force unlock the state:

      terraform force-unlock <lock_id>

    Manually unlock the Terraform state.

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